Identify the challenges facing succession in education

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Education, Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Isfahan

2 Ph.D. Student in Educational Management, University of Isfahan


Succession can be a powerful tool to strengthen and improve talent management and leadership, efficiency of forces, dynamism and change of organization into positive paths. Few organizations are able to take advantage of the succession program. The present study aims to recognize the challenges of success in education in a qualitative and exploratory approach. The statistical population consisted of all education managers and teachers in the Bayangan area of Kermanshah in 1397, which were selected using a purposeful sampling approach and theoretical saturation criterion in a total of 23 participants.The data were collected in a semi-structured interview and a deep review of the background and theoretical foundations and analyzed in a coding technique. The pluralistic strategy, the control of the members, the long contact with the environment and the review of the experts were used to obtain the validity of the data. Also, the reliability of the retest for interviews was 75/90 and the reliability between the two encoders was 71/64. The results of data analysis in the three stages of open, axial, and selective coding showed 16 main categories that were conceptualized in the form of a conceptual model including causal conditions , the pivotal phenomenon, the underlying factors, intermediary factors and the consequences the phenomenon of succession Explains the relationships between them.
