Identifying and priortizing barriers to entrepreneurial school development from the perspective of Ardabil high school Managers

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master degree student , departemant of human sciences, faculty of educational sciences , Ardabil branch , University of Islamic Azad , Ardabil , Iran

2 Master degree , departemant of human sciences, faculty of educational sciences , Ardabil branch , University of Islamic Azad , Ardabil , Iran

3 PHD, departemant of psychology and educational sciences , faculty of psychology , University of Mohageg Ardabili , Ardabil , Iran


The aim of the research was to identify and prioritize the barriers to the development of entrepreneurial school from the perspective of high school principals in Ardabil city, which was done by descriptive-analytical research method. The statistical population of the study of all principals of secondary schools in the first and second years of Ardabil city in the academic year of 2009-2010 was 300, of which 170 people were selected through Morgan and Georgian formulas by stratified random sampling. The data collection tool consisted of a researcher-made questionnaire adapted from the research literature. The validity of the questionnaire was estimated through formal-content validity and reliability through Cronbach's alpha coefficient, which was higher than 0.7 for all variables. Data in SPSS software were analyzed by single sample T test, Kai Scovar and Friedman. The results of this study showed that from the perspective of principals, barriers related to teachers with average (3.74), barriers related to students with average (3.55), organizational barriers with average (4.18), government barriers with average (13) 4.4 Obstacles to planning and curriculum content with an average (4.24) and environmental barriers with an average (3.91) play a significant role in the lack of development of entrepreneurial schools. The results of the Friedman test showed that the ranking of barriers to entrepreneurial school development from the principals' point of view is the barriers to planning and curriculum content, organizational barriers, government barriers, environmental barriers, student barriers and teacher barriers, respectively.


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