Identifying the factors in the optimal implementation of the virtual curriculum of the elementary school from the perspective of parents in the first and second grade

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master student of curriculum planning, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Tehran

2 Faculty member of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tehran

3 PhD Student in Curriculum Planning, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tehran, Iran


Virtual education increases parental involvement and intervention more than ever. Especially in a situation where all the time is devoted to this type of training. The present study is to investigate the factors affecting the implementation of the virtual curriculum from the perspective of first and second grade elementary school parents. To conduct this research, a qualitative approach and phenomenological method have been used and semi-structured interviews are used as data collection tools. The population of this study was all parents in the 13th and 15th districts of Tehran province. From this population, a sample of 15 people was randomly selected until the data were saturated. Its main and sub-themes were extracted by coding method. Findings include three main themes: the role of parents, the role of teachers and the role of social network infrastructure. Each of which includes a number of sub-themes, which are: the role of parents (parents' awareness of educational methods and psychology, interest in educating children, other roles of the mother), the role of social network infrastructure (cut And the constant connection, lack of attractiveness of the program, lack of program facilities and low network speed) and the role of teachers and its importance in e-learning activities. The analysis of the results shows that parents consider their role to depend on the teacher's activity for successful implementation in e-learning.


Main Subjects