Predicting organizational virtue based on moral leadership mediated by moral culture

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ministry of Education

2 Assistant Professor of Educational Sciences, Center for Educating and Training Faculty Members, Imam Hossein (a.s.) Comprehensive University


The ethical atmosphere of the organization reflects the perception of people about their own organization and affects their views and behavior and is used as a framework for referring employees of the organization. A pleasant atmosphere prepares the ground for showing actions and consensus. Thus, the ethical atmosphere reflects the characteristics of an organization and is in fact an organizational variable that is able to change or strengthen working conditions. The present study is a descriptive-correlational (structural equation model), which aims to investigate the mediating role of ethical culture in the relationship between ethical leadership and organizational virtue. The statistical population of the present study consists of 381 primary school teachers in Namin city. Based on Morgan's table, a sample of 181 people (96 females and 85 males) were selected by cluster and stratified sampling. The required information was collected using standard questionnaires, Kalshan et al.'s (2011) ethical leadership, Goble et al.'s (2011) ethical culture, and Cameron et al.'s (2004) organizational virtue Data analysis was performed using Spss21 and lisrel8 software. The results indicate that moral leadership directly / 18. Percentage of variance of organizational virtue and with the mediating role of moral culture / 38. Explains the percentage of variance of this variable. This finding shows that the relationship between the two variables of moral leadership and organizational virtue is intensified by the variable of moral culture..


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