Indicators of a successful educational leader; Findings of a phenomenological study

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master student of educational research, Payame Noor University, Iran

2 Associate Professor Payame Noor University - Iran


The present study was conducted to identify the indicators of a successful educational leader in school and in the framework of a qualitative approach and using a phenomenological strategy. The statistical population of the study includes professors of educational management in the faculties of educational sciences of public universities and also the principals of Shiraz high schools in the academic year 1399-1400. From the statistical population, 30 people were selected through purposive sampling to achieve theoretical saturation. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews. In order to analyze the data obtained from the interview, coding was used. Findings showed that a successful educational leader for high schools in Shiraz has 36 indicators in 5 categories: direction, organizational culture and management, educational monitoring and evaluation, management of the teaching-learning process in school, and professional growth and development. .


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