Development of the theory of purification of the educational environment Based on Mulla Sadra's virtuous knowledge

Document Type : Original Article


1 Educational Sciences, Payam-e Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Level Four, Philosophy and Theology, Sisters Seminary, Tehran, Iran



Refinement, as one of the characteristics of a competent school, provides the ground for the realization of the levels of education. Dewey also introduced and considered the environment and its purification as an intermediary tool in the transfer of knowledge. Today, with the advent of technology and cyberspace, the educational environment has become wider than before and more efficient attention to environmental purification has become more necessary. The breaking of the structures of "far, near" and "forbidden, permissible" in today's educational environment, led us to epistemologically, the subject of refining the educational space of the educator, in accordance with the virtuous knowledge of educational philosophers, especially Mulla Sadra. Since the basis of Mulla Sadra's epistemological views was the development of human consciousness from knowledge to understanding, and knowledge of the skill type was considered as the knowledge of the cognitive agent. Therefore, in this study, the process of improving the refinement of the educational environment from the level of knowledge to the degree of understanding and skill was studied. This research was investigated by analytical and combined methods in the field of environmental and teacher characteristics to the elements involved in purification and virtue-based purification process. The research findings showed that purification based on virtue can enhance the student from purely theoretical intellect and lead to participation and action with enthusiasm and will, which is the product of understanding.


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