Teachers'''' Lived Experience of the Effectiveness of Physical Education Training During Covid-19

Document Type : Original Article


university of mohaghegh ardabili



The new situation caused by the corona outbreak has imposed unprecedented conditions on the country''''''''''''''''s education system, and the teaching of courses, including physical education, is done virtually and in absentia. The aim of this study was to investigate the lived experience of teachers of the effectiveness of physical education training during coronavirus disease. The approach of this study is qualitative and its strategy is phenomenological method. Its statistical population consists of all physical education teachers in Ardabil province. Using Purposeful sampling methods until reaching theoretical saturation, 15 participants were selected. The research tool was a semi-structured interview, ensuring confidentiality, the interviews were recorded, then implemented and typed in office software, and finally coded using AXQDA20 software, and the collected data was parsed into small conceptual components. In this study, the external arbitrator method was used to evaluate the validity of the research and two external judges monitored the research and gave consultative opinions. To check the reliability, according to Silverman, three experts performed data coding and the coding results of more than 80% of the open source code were the same. According to the first methodological process, from the initial data, the relevant codes were identified and 63 open codes were obtained. In the next step, the identified codes were categorized and combined based the degree of conceptual similarity and extracted in the form of four components of the physical education system in schools during the Corona period, which included process components, system output, system input and feedback, respectively.
