Predictability level of job satisfaction Based on the components of transformational leadership and job motivation Personnel Basij at the Sarayan city

Document Type : Original Article


1 mo

2 teacher

3 student


The present research Predictability level of job satisfaction Based on the components of transformational leadership and job motivation Personnel Basij at the Sarayan city. The method of the research is the practical purpose and data collection, descriptive from correlation type. The statistic population consisted of all Personnel Basij at the Sarayan city, According to the latest statistics, there are 286 , 164 peoples were selected for Kukran sample making formula. Sampling method in this study is multistage cluster sampling. According to the research objectives were used for collecting data from standard questionnaires transformational leadership, motivation and job satisfaction. To validate the questionnaire, was use content validity. reliability was estimated through Cronbach’s alpha coefficient on Pilot study (Job satisfaction 0/94, transformational leadership 0/89, job motivation 0/91) too. . Information obtained in this research using descriptive statistics(Frequency, percentage, charting, table editing and Standard deviation ) and inferential statistics (correlation coefficient, regression, one sample t test,) were analyzed. The Findings showed Between transformational leadership and its subscales motivation and positive relationship with job satisfaction. Also the transformational leadership are a good predictor for job satisfaction. Job Satisfaction In addition to being a great impact on the private lives of Basij forces that could have an impact on the entire community.


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