nvestigating the methods of monitoring the descriptive evaluation process in South Khorasan province And provide solutions to improve it

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Curriculum Planning, Birjand University - Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Shahed University, Tehran - Iran


The aim of this study was to determine the methods of monitoring the descriptive academic achievement evaluation process in primary schools in South Khorasan province. The research method in this research is descriptive-survey. The statistical population of all teachers in South Khorasan province is 843 people and primary school principals in South Khorasan are 266 people and the number of primary education departments in South Khorasan province is 40 people. A sample with a volume of 265 first, second and third grade primary school teachers, 159 primary school principals and 36 primary school departments, taking into account gender and educational level, has been used. Made and used. The data obtained in this study were analyzed using descriptive statistics (relative frequency, table development, standard deviation and mean) and inferential statistics (correlated t-test). The results showed that current methods of monitoring the descriptive evaluation process in the province. South Khorasan is an indirect monitoring method. Among the other results of this study, the most important strengths of the indirect monitoring method on the descriptive evaluation process in South Khorasan province include: participating in in-service descriptive evaluation courses, using supervisors of learners 'and parents' reports to Assisting teachers is the supervisor's use of other teachers' reports In order to assist teachers, the supervisor uses descriptive evaluation workshops.


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