Examining and explaining the competency model of school principals in the upstream documents of the education system

Document Type : Original Article


1 Director of the Educational Quality Assessment and Monitoring Center of the Ministry of Education, Iran

2 PhD student in Philosophy of EducationShahed University, Tehran

3 Master student in Human Resource Management, Azad University, Tehran South Branch,iran

4 BS student in Educational Sciences, Farhangian University of Sari


The purpose of this research is to investigate and explain the competence of school principals in the upstream documents of the education system. The present research method is qualitative and analytical-descriptive. Content analysis method was used to analyze the data. The society and the research sample are equal. The research community includes 4 important documents of the country's education system, including the document of the fundamental transformation of education, the theoretical foundations of the fundamental transformation in the education system, the comprehensive scientific map of the country and the national curriculum. The contents of 4 documents were analyzed and the propositions related to the competence of school principals were collected and extracted. Then the propositions obtained from four documents have been compared and examined for a more detailed examination. The results of the present research have shown that three components of faith, professional and executive have been chosen as a model for the competence of school administrators. The application of this model, its dimensions, components and indicators in the appointment and selection of education managers and schools of the country enables them to measure their scientific fever in terms of the selection and appointment of competent managers and as a compass, their scientific movement from Change the daily plan to plan and clarify the direction of your movement to improve its quality


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