Evaluation of University as a Learning Organization (Case Study: Ardakan University Employees)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Engineering, Industrial Engineering Department, Ardakan University, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Industrial Engineering Department, Ardakan University, Iran

3 B.S., Faculty of Engineering, Industrial Engineering Department, Ardakan University, Iran


This study examines the learning organization indexes among the employees of Ardakan University. The indicators are based on the five disciplines of learning organizations in Senge’s model; individual capabilities, mental models, building a shared vision, team learning and systems thinking. The statistical population of this research is 44 employees of Ardakan University, all of whom were questioned in this research. In order to carry out this research, first the learning organization questionnaire was prepared and after its validity was verified by experts, the reliability of the questionnaire was measured with Cronbach's alpha, and the value was 0.95. After completing the questionnaire by the employees, the data were entered into SPSS 26.0 software. First, the normality of the data was determined by using the skewness and kurtosis test. Then, based on the one sample T-test, it was confirmed that Ardakan University was in a favorable condition in terms of all the indicators of the learning organization; In other words, Ardakan University is considered a learning organization. Further, the results of the Friedman test also showed that the rank of each of these indicators is not the same, and the system thinking index has the best status and the team learning index has the worst status. Finally, according to the independent t-test and ANOVA, it was found that only the gender variable has a significant relationship with the learning organization.


Main Subjects

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