Providing a Model to improvement of the quality of the research-oriented school, a new structure in the perspective of educational management (a mixed study in secondary schools of Hamedan province)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Phd candidate, educational management, science and research branch. Islamicazad university, tehran, iran

2 Associate Professor. Educational management. SAVE branch. Islamic Azad University. SAVE. IRAN- Visiting Professor at the Science & research branch. Islamic Azad University. TEHRAN. IRAN- (Corresponding author)

3 Associate Professor. Rehabilitation management. University of social welfare & Rehabilitation science. TEHRAN. IRAN- Visiting Professor at the Science & research branch. Islamic Azad University. TEHRAN. IRAN


The aim of the research was providing a model for upgrading the quality of research-oriented schools in the perspective of educational management. The purpose was applied, implementation method was mixed, method of the qualitative part was sequential exploratory, the participants were 19 education specialists, that were selected with a targeted non-random method. Data collection was done by triangulation method: Theoretical literature, semi-structured interview, questionnaire. Validity was calculated with Lincoln and Goba's four criteria. Reliability was calculated with Kendall's tie coefficient (significant p<0.01). The quantitative method was descriptive and sample was 305 employees of schools in Hamedan province 2022, who were selected by a random-stratified method, with the survey method. The data collection tool was research oriented school questionnaire. Construct validity was and reliability was (significant p<0.01) with the methods of internal similarity and Split off. Data were analyzed with maxqda&AMOS&SYSTATE. The Results showed that the research oriented school has 3 dimensions (human resources- general atmosphere of school- rules and instructions) and 26 effective factors (providing student needs, teacher creativity, satisfying student curiosity, student creativity, student accuracy, professional teaching method, student thinking, researcher teacher, teacher's accuracy, practical content by the teacher, parents' thinking, parents' accuracy, quality based school, process oriented, research-based evaluation, critical thinking in school, team work in school, problem-oriented, thinking oriented, targeted incentive system, science production, empiricism, scientific decision-making, researcher assistant, research indicators, research-oriented discourse). In Conclusion the dimension of human resources and the teacher's creativity factor play the most important role in the research oriented school model.


Main Subjects