The mediating role of intrapreneurship in the relationship between learning organization dimensions and job performance: Empirical evidence from a teacher training university

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Educational Management Department of Farhangian University



Background and Objective: The main objective of this study was to investigate the mediating effect of intrapreneurship on the relationship between the learning organization and job performance of Farhangian University employees.
Research methodology: The type of research was descriptive and its method was correlational. The statistical population included all employees of the central organization, 285 people. Data were collected from a sample of 144 employees of the central organization of Farhangian University in a simple random manner. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to investigate the relationship between the dimensions of the learning organization and job performance, as well as the mediating effect of intrapreneurship on the relationship between the learning organization and job performance.
Findings: The findings showed that there is a significant, linear, and positive relationship between the dimensions of the learning organization and job performance. In addition, intrapreneurship can have a mediating role between the dimensions of the learning organization and job performance.
Conclusion: This study helps managers and policymakers at Farhangian University to understand the characteristics of the learning organization and its relationship with job performance and the importance of the mediating role of intrapreneurship, and to employ the necessary programs and tools to improve employees' job performance.


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