designing an empowering educationand learning management model for employees

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. student in educational management, Tehran West Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor of Educational administrational, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Management, West Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran



In today's era, human resources are considered the most valuable assets of any organization.Therfore The purpose of this research was to design acomprehensive employee education and learning management model..To achieve the goal of the research, qualitative content analysis method was used. Accordingly , written documents and resources in the period from 2012 to 2021 were selected as the research popiulation , and finally, 39 articles (including 24 research articles and 15 review articles) were selected in a purposive sampling and accordfing to the Spritz empowerment model (1995) were analized, and effective educational strategies were extracted to fulfill all types of empowerment, and finally, a comprehensive employee education and learning management modelwas developed. based on the relevance ofthe articles to the research topic; First, an article was selected, the content was analyzed, and then another article was selected and analyzed. Until reaching theoretical saturation (article no. 39), the selection of samples continued. In order to examine the internal validity of the developed procedural and prescriptive model, a Likert-scale questionnaire was designed and was sent to 15 experts in the field of education and human resources along with pictures and explanations of the models. in order to determine average obtained is significant One-sample T-test was used. The results showed that the calculated average is significantly higher than the cut point (number 3) (T=7.33, P<0.001)


Main Subjects