Analyzing the current situation of rural education and presenting approaches to promote relationship between school and society

Document Type : Original Article


Specialized doctorate in educational technology, Ministry of Education, Educational and training leader of rural schools, Sardasht city, Iran.



This paper investigate current situation of rural education in schools and that's problems, then introduce some approaches and resolutions based on successful experiences and valid researches, with focus on promoting linkage between school and community. The research method is the descriptive-analytic method, which after analyzing current situation, at first the problem will be recognized and then analyzed. Then the problem will be explain and reorganized by using other experiences and then the solutions will be introduced. Finally by explain and explore the role of school in community and it's development, some approaches, such as contextualizing, place based education and project based education will be introduced. hen the problem will be explain and reorganized by using other experiences and then the solutions will be introduced. Finally by explain and explore the role of school in community and it's development, some approaches, such as contextualizing, place based education and project based education will be introduced.


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